It is a myth that student loans are not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Some private student loans require a showing of “undue hardship” and an adversary proceeding within the bankruptcy in order for the loans to be discharged, while other types of student loans are treated the same as other unsecuredContinue Reading

Flooding, fire, drought, and other climate risks have always been a danger to property and safety. However, with the changing climate, these risks are increasing, impacting the probability of damage, cost of utilities, price of insurance, and potential resale value of homes.

People dealing with frequent overdraft fees may face a difficult and expensive uphill climb. These fees are often assessed for reasons people do not expect or understand, take a heavy toll on families living paycheck to paycheck, and in some cases ultimately drive people out of banking altogether.

Vigorous enforcement of the laws protecting against discrimination is essential for us to achieve broader equity and opportunity. The CFPB will prioritize enforcement of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and its other authorities to ensure no one is discriminated against in connection with a consumer financial product or service.