Learn how Buy Now, Pay Later products work and other important details to help you decide whether or not to use them for purchases. Please follow and like us:

This post is the second in a series documenting trends in consumer credit outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since July 2020, consumers have transitioned out of assistance to varying degrees across all credit products, but a significant share of mortgage borrowers continue to receive assistance. Please follow and like us:

Today is the 10th anniversary of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The CFPB is proud to celebrate 10 years of protecting consumers, and looks forward to the next decade. Please follow and like us:

The federal foreclosure moratoria are set to expire July 31st, and lenders and mortgage servicers can start foreclosing on homes as soon as August 1st. Homeowners who are behind on their mortgages must act now to save their homes. Please follow and like us: