Due to a U.S. Supreme Court decision, the CDC eviction moratorium has ended. If you’re having trouble catching up on rent, utilities, or other housing expenses, here are options and resources to help you get back on your feet. Please follow and like us:

En efecto desde el 31 de agosto del 2021, la nueva normativa les exige a los administradores hipotecarios ofrecerles a los propietarios, oportunidades reales para evitar el “foreclosure” y mantenerse en sus viviendas, mientras algunos programas federales de aplazamiento comienzan a expirar. Please follow and like us:

Following the recent earthquake, people in the United States are trying to connect with family and friends in Haiti, including finding ways to send money directly. Here are resources to safely send money overseas, as well as tips to help loved ones recover and rebuild. Please follow and like us:

Scammers are preying on renters and landlords in need of emergency rental assistance. Learn how to spot a rental assistance scam and use a federal tool to help you find your local rental assistance program. Please follow and like us: