Protecting servicemembers from predatory lending
This week we partnered with other agencies to ensure that American servicemembers enjoy the full protections of federal law. Please follow and like us:
This week we partnered with other agencies to ensure that American servicemembers enjoy the full protections of federal law. Please follow and like us:
Consumers told us how credit reporting errors affect their lives. Here are steps you can take to help hold credit reporting companies accountable. Please follow and like us:
New analysis in our Making Ends Meet survey series shows that consumers’ finances improved during the pandemic as pandemic policies kept consumers who lost their jobs from suffering financial hardship. But some pandemic-related flexibilities and forbearance programs failed to reach many consumers facing hardship. Please follow and like us:
This week we partnered with other agencies to oppose a dangerous threat to our nation’s civil rights laws, specifically related to the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, or ECOA. Please follow and like us:
The CFPB encourages programmers, data scientists and others with knowledge of the algorithms and technologies used by companies, and who know of potential discrimination or other misconduct within our authority, to report it to the CFPB. Please follow and like us:
Holiday shopping season is here. Learn more about Buy Now, Pay Later loans before using them for your holiday purchases. Please follow and like us:
A review of our 2021 supervision activities revealed unfair acts and practices, and other violations, by mortgage servicers. Here’s what to be aware of and how to find the resources you need if you’re struggling to make your mortgage payments. Please follow and like us:
A new Request for Information will help inform a review of the FDIC and OCC’s Bank Merger Act policies. Please follow and like us:
Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, Federal agencies must publish regulatory agendas twice a year. CFPB participates in the Unified Agenda process, which is led by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Please follow and like us:
If you have an adjustable-rate mortgage, reverse mortgage, HELOC, student loan, or credit card, your interest rate may be based on the LIBOR index, which is being discontinued. Here’s how to stay vigilant of changes to your index. Please follow and like us:
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