People dealing with frequent overdraft fees may face a difficult and expensive uphill climb. These fees are often assessed for reasons people do not expect or understand, take a heavy toll on families living paycheck to paycheck, and in some cases ultimately drive people out of banking altogether. Please followContinue Reading

Vigorous enforcement of the laws protecting against discrimination is essential for us to achieve broader equity and opportunity. The CFPB will prioritize enforcement of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and its other authorities to ensure no one is discriminated against in connection with a consumer financial product or service. PleaseContinue Reading

We believe our work should be rooted in research and experience from the people we serve. For many, our website’s homepage is the front door to the CFPB. We are excited to unveil our homepage redesign which considered feedback from dozens of people like you. Please follow and like us:

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has launched a new initiative to focus on financial issues facing rural America. Our effort will initially focus on rural banking deserts, discriminatory and predatory agricultural credit, and manufactured housing. Please follow and like us:

In response to concerns from workers about financial risk and harm from employers, the CFPB is looking into the consumer financial products or services that workers face in the workplace, including employer-driven debt and the selling of worker data. Please follow and like us:

Due to its size and impact on Americans’ everyday lives, we are closely monitoring auto lending. As the economy recovers, we need to ensure that the market is fair, transparent, and competitive – and is working for consumers. Please follow and like us: