We’ve heard from people, specifically older adults, who were defrauded thousands of dollars by scammers claiming to be contacting them from the CFPB. The CFPB will NEVER call you to confirm that you have won a lottery, sweepstakes, class-action lawsuit, or ask you to pay fees or taxes. Please followContinue Reading

Consumers, including those with insurance, incur significant charges related to medical care. Nonprofit healthcare providers are required to establish financial assistance policies for consumers who cannot afford services. In this blog, we explore the connection between eligibility for these financial assistance programs and the prevalence of medical collections using ourContinue Reading

By gathering better price and availability data for more credit card products and making it publicly available, the CFPB seeks to empower consumers to choose the best card for their unique situation and to encourage issuers to compete more on rates. Please follow and like us:

Innovations across the payments ecosystem are transforming how people access financial products and services. However, the ease and utility of these services may raise concerns if peoples’ financial data is aggregated and monetized without their full awareness, knowledge, or permission. Please follow and like us: