Auto loans represent the third largest credit market. While more than 100 million Americans have an auto loan, we lack granular data on this rapidly changing market. The CFPB is seeking input from the public on key auto lending data. Please follow and like us:

Esta semana hemos alcanzado los tres millones de quejas contenidas en nuestra base de datos pública. Esta acumulación de quejas representa 10 años de trabajo compartiendo las experiencias de los consumidores, para aumentar así nuestra transparencia y crear responsabilidades frente al público al clarificar los problemas que enfrentan los consumidores.Continue Reading

Delinquencies on non-student-loan credit products continue to rise for student loan borrowers. This rise could signal payment difficulties when scheduled payments resume, but potential debt cancellation may reduce the number of borrowers at-risk. Please follow and like us:

Last week, we published the three millionth complaint on the CFPB complaint database. This accumulation of complaints represents ten years of sharing consumers’ experiences to increase transparency and create accountability to the public by clarifying the problems consumers face. Please follow and like us: