The CFPB is requesting comment on whether it should finalize its preliminary determination that a New York commercial financing law—as well as potentially similar laws in California, Utah, and Virginia—are not preempted by the Truth in Lending Act. Please follow and like us:

Los préstamos automotrices representan la tercera porción más grande del mercado de créditos al consumidor. Aunque más de 100 millones de personas tienen préstamos para autos, este siempre cambiante mercado carece de data detallada. Estamos buscando información del público sobre data clave en el crédito automotriz. Please follow and likeContinue Reading

The United States District Court for the District of Columbia issued an order vacating the 2020 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Final Rule as to the loan volume reporting threshold for closed-end mortgage loans. Please follow and like us:

Mortgage interest rates have been rising sharply in recent months, impacting mortgage borrowers and applicants. Using quarterly HMDA data on closed-end home-purchase loans, we find that monthly payments and debt burdens (as measured by DTI) have increased, with a higher percentage of mortgage application denials reporting DTI as a reasonContinue Reading